Our machinery for finishing bookbinding work enables us to deliver products to our customers quickly and at high quality. Based on your requests, we turn a printed sheet into e.g. a book, a catalogue, a calendar, or a folding flyer.
Final Processing
- Cutting
- Folding
- Exercise-book binding (Czech “V1” binding)
- Paperback binding (Czech “V2” binding)
- Stitched softcover book binding (Czech “V4” binding)
- Stitched hardcover binding (Czech “V8” binding) – outsourced to an external supplier
- Packaging and finishing work
Machine Fleet
- Müller Martini Presto collator – integrated triple-cutting
- Kolbus KM 600 glue binder – PUR/Hotmelt, integrated triple-cutting
- A variety of folding and cutting machines